Stowe Street Alley Project


Concept drawing - view from Stowe Street


Support the Alley Project with a donation!


Be a part of this incredible opportunity that will spark community pride and add to the vitality of Waterbury. With your help, we will create a local landmark to activate and highlight Waterbury’s commitment to its public spaces and the arts.




We are finally breaking ground on the Stowe Street Alley on Monday, April 15! While it’s been a bit of a journey, we’re now set to kick off this transformative project. Soon enough, people will have the opportunity to stroll through the alley and, for those of you who purchased them, see your personalized bricks!

The week of April 15 marks the start of our construction efforts. We’ll start by clearing out the old pavement, followed by installing infrastructure like a drainage pipe and electrical conduits. Once that is complete, next is the exciting part – laying the new pavers, including the engraved bricks, in a thoughtfully designed pattern. These bricks will be set in a winding path through the alley, as well as positioned in the alley’s center. Though the Project has additional components and final touches to complete, we’re planning a grand opening and celebratory “brick walk” later this spring. 

Every month a group of 17 volunteers has met to work on multiple aspects of the Alley Project, all in preparation for breaking ground this spring. Different teams continue to work on lighting schemes, choosing benches and planters, developing signage, preparing communications, and fundraising.

Watch for updates on Facebook and Instagram and stay tuned as we begin work on our New Alley!

Community spaces and public art inspire...conversation, protest, perspective, dreams and action.
Life without these would be dull and colorless. 
- Whitney Aldrich, Waterbury business owner and resident

Revitalizing Waterbury (RW) and a host of volunteers have been working for nearly three years on a plan to reclaim and transform an alley that is central to Waterbury’s historic downtown district. The renovated Stowe Street Alley will be an active, pedestrian walkway for all ages, connecting Stowe Street with Bidwell Lane: residents and visitors will welcome and appreciate this community space. The Alley will host art installations, artist demos and performances. It will be a destination to meet friends, soak up Waterbury's history and simply relax among gardens and greenery. This new vital Alley will enhance our downtown...a place for all.


The Project


If you believe a town can reimagine itself, then you believe in Waterbury.
The Stowe Street Alley project is one more piece to the puzzle! 

- Theresa Wood, State Representative and Waterbury resident


Transforming a Downtown Alley into a Vibrant Community Space

The Stowe Street Alley project is a community-driven initiative focused on turning a blighted alleyway located between 21 and 23 Stowe Street into a welcoming community space for events, exhibits and gatherings. Following Main Street Reconstruction, a significant investment in our downtown, Waterbury is recognized as a vibrant destination, with strong appeal to residents, businesses and visitors. With the town's renewal, the reclamation of this underutilized alley, central to Waterbury's historic district stands out as the "next step."

every project has a story

Jack Carter, the original owner of the Stowe Street Emporium at 23 Stowe Street, dreamt of reviving the alley next to his store for more than 20 years. Jack was a beloved and active member of the community with a playful sense of whimsy and a deep appreciation for Waterbury's history. Since his passing, a committee of volunteers, led by Revitalizing Waterbury, has committed to bringing Jack's dream to life. The Stowe Street Alley Project is this dream. 

The Alley Project has three components:

  1. Installation of a new surface made from pavers and bricks, creating spaces for art demonstrations and performances, an in-ground garden bed, a structure over the cellar stairway to 23 Stowe Street and screening for the utilities.
  2. Functional and artistic streetscape features such as benches, trash/recycling, security assets, and additional landscaping.
  3. Integrated art components, including lighting and a gateway.

Help transform the Alley


     photo credit Heidi Fish

 The blighted alley viewed from Stowe Street (l) / Everyone enjoying music in the alley (r)


We are pleased to report that we have already raised 50% of the funds needed from a variety of sources, including donations from local organizations, a Vermont Arts Council grant, a brick fundraiser and memorial gifts given in memory of Waterbury friend Jack Carter. 

Thank you to everyone who purchased an engraved brick to support the Stowe Street Alley project! The bricks were purchased as donations by Waterbury community members, local businesses and organizations to support the Rally for the Alley fundraiser. Donors engraved bricks with sayings and phrases celebrating family and affirmations of Waterbury itself. These bricks will be incorporated into the Alley surface. The campaign raised over $25,000 towards the Alley's paving.

Who we are


Our values include creativity, inclusivity, the preservation of Waterbury's history and the fostering of community pride. A true public venture, local members involved in the project and serving on the Stowe Street Alley Committee include engineers, graphic designers, artists, landscape architects, general contractors, business owners, marketing professionals, and planners.

This project is in partnership with These organizations:

Logos of Revitalizing Waterbury, Waterbury MakerSphere, Waterbury Rotary Club, Waterbury Masonic Lodge, and Waterbury Arts

Steiner Family

and Area Businesses and Community Members